

it's never to late

The other morning I heard someone on the radio saying they were going to university for the first time, nothing unusual at that, but the lady was 49 years old and she said she wanted a change of career and to do that she had to go to university.   Wow, just imagine, doing something you’ve never done before and being almost 30 years older than the other students. I have complete and utter respect for people like this.

It just goes to show that it’s never too late to do anything that we want or at least try. I have always been a believer that if we want something badly enough we can obtain it. Obviously wanting isn’t enough, we have to put in effort and hard work but if we are doing something we enjoy it shouldn’t feel like hard work. After all, the saying goes if you find something to do that you really love then you will never work a day in your life.

Regular readers will know that over the last year I decided I needed a change, I wasn’t enjoying my job and because I commuted I was increasingly aware that I didn’t have much time for anything else. Boredom led to lethargy and I didn’t want to be that person just hanging on in there too scared to make that change, I wanted more and I needed a challenge.

I was lucky I had a friend who was a management consultant and helps university graduates identify what they want and find and develop their core values. I had already done a lot of work in this area but it was good to get a second opinion and discuss these with him.

A few things became very clear, and two main points identified were I needed flexibility and I wanted to help people. This is probably why 15 years ago I decided to study homeopathy for four years and have since treated friends, friends of friends and family. The one thing holding me back from doing it full time was I needed to earn a salary and it would take a long time to establish a practice so I never expanded it as a business and it always took a back seat.

That was until I decided to really go for it and I handed in my notice leaving my job in June.   I’ve had a wonderful summer, working for the charity www.raft.ac.uk from home which offers me flexibility and because I no longer commute on a daily basis it also gives me time to grow and develop my homeopathic practice http://traceycampbellhomeopath.com. I now have a flexible job and am pursuing my dream and chosen career.

Finally and most importantly I am helping people either through my work with the charity or helping people reach their optimum health. I am once again doing something I enjoy and have job satisfaction.   I should also mention I have more time to ride my horses and catch up with friends more regularly. All this would not have been possible if I hadn’t decided to make that change. Don’t get me wrong there are times when I wonder if I have done the right thing, but my life has improved on so many levels that the doubts don’t linger for long.

If you would like to make a change or are afraid to take that leap of faith, I would recommend doing a Google search for core value exercises and choose one that resonates with you. This will help you identify what is really important to you and you might be surprised to discover that if you answer the questions truthfully your core values may be quite different to what you expected them to be. This is when the fun can start.

Remember it really is never too late and that could be anything from learning to fly, swim, dance or even going back to university like the lady on the radio. Just go for it, after all what’s the worse that can happen?

I would love to hear from you and to hear your stories of when you made a change or tried something new and what happened. It’s good to share and your stories may help motivate others.

Wishing all my readers a lovely week full of love, happiness and hopefully new discoveries.