Time for some happiness and positivity in the world


Meet Ted

Six years ago I started this weekly Blog.   I created it because I loved to write and I wanted somewhere for people to come for light relief, a quick pick me up during the day. 

The aim of my blog was to bring some joy and happiness. Life is too short to be anything but happy and if anything 2020 has taught us is we cannot take anything for granted, even the simple act of meeting up with friends has changed.

I know from many comments and messages I received that my blog helped others but here’s a little secret it also helped me too.  It helped me to find the courage to leave a job that no longer held any joy for me.  In the last 4 years I have been following my heart and have built up a successful homeopathic practice and I am helping lots of women with their health issues and anxieties. If you are interested you can find my website here.

This morning as I was walking Ted, he is my new dog (he arrived a few months after I had to say goodbye to Alfie), I thought about my very neglected Blog and I wondered whether it might once again help others especially during these current uncertain times.

In fact I had a very strong urge to resurrect Love Happiness and Angels again and I have also added a FB Group called Love Happiness & Angels so come over and say hello.

As you can see from the new addition of Ted that a lot has happened in the past 4 years and I am really excited to be back.

I would love to hear from you and what you have been up to in the last few years.  I know that Kerry Fisher has written many more books and I am currently reading her heartfelt book Take My Hand.

A Year on – has following my dreams worked?


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It was a year ago this week that I said goodbye to the corporate world. So how has it been?  Below I talk about the ups and downs.

I’ve not taken a holiday, I can no longer afford to buy what I want when I want and thought has to go into everything I do, BUT and this is the very important bit – everyday feels like a holiday to me and life is just so much better for it.

I’ve enjoyed good health. I was able to spend lots of time with my elderly dog, Alfie, who has now sadly departed this life. I have been able to ride most days as I manage my own diary and appointments. I have had time to catch up with friends that ordinarily I wouldn’t have had time for and I’ve made many new friends along the way. I have been able to dedicate my time and all my effort into doing something I really wanted to do which is homeopathy.  It has been hard work, generating new business when you aren’t known is not an easy thing to do, but I have been dedicated and persistent.

My practice is growing from strength to strength with people recommending my services. I’m even “international” as I see people all over the world using Skype and this works really well. I absolutely love helping people and I can safely say that I have helped many people with their health ailments (both on a physical and emotional level) over this past year.

I LOVE my job but there are tough days too. For example, last week someone decided that they no longer wanted to go down the homeopathic route and were going to take anti-depressants after all. For a short while I felt completely useless and that I had failed, but then I looked at the list of people that I have helped and realized that each person has to do what’s right for them. So after spending far too much time wondering whether I could have done this or that differently I decided to let go of that particular situation.   We can’t always help everyone and this is something I am learning.

Anyway enough about me, are you still struggling with a decision or wondering whether to start something new?   Nothing happens over night, we are all on a journey but tap into the true you and your true dreams and you may find that you start your journey sooner than you think. Maybe you’re not sure where you want to go, play with ideas, brainstorm with friends, shout out crazy ideas and from there a seed might just be born.

I would love to hear from you especially if you are thinking of making any changes to your life. My advice would be don’t be afraid. What’s the worst that can happen? At least you can look back and say you tried.

Wishing you a happy and love filled weekend.   If you would like to find out more about my homeopathic practice you can find me here:- http://traceycampbellhomeopath.com



Never give up on your dreams – Keep the faith and believe


If anyone is currently struggling with making a really big decision, my advice would be go for it, grab the opportunity with both hands. What is the worse thing that can happen?

Regular readers will know, I have been very quiet on my Blog over the last few months and there has been a reason for this, I too have been grappling with a big decision and that was whether to leave my full time job and follow my dream and to do something that resonated deep within me. Helping people.

This is a decision I have put off for many years and I soon began to realise there would never be the “perfect or right time” and if not now when. So I decided to finally take the leap of faith.

It wasn’t really that difficult because I left a job that no longer brought me joy, even though it paid me very well but the most important thing to me was to be happy. Anyone who has followed and read my blogs over the last year will know the reasons why. I felt like I was wasting my life and was in the wrong job. I tried to turn the situation around with lots of positive thinking but deep down I wasn’t really addressing the real issues.  A change had to be made.

I briefly went to work for a charity but I still didn’t feel I was on the right path. I wanted to put all my energy into something that I really wanted to do. After all, I write a Blog on love, happiness and try to inspire people to do things that make them feel good. I no longer felt I was being true to myself.

In hindsight my sub conscience had been at work during the past year leading me to this decision. When I finally made up my mind my decision came easily. So I am now dedicating my time and energy into building up my homeopathic practice and doing something I really want to do. This is perfectly aligned to all I stand for because I am passionate about helping people to feel good and to reach their optimum health.

One thing I have realized already in this short space of time of seeing people in my practice is how many people live with conditions that they just accept because Dr’s can’t put a label on their symptoms. In turn they become really unhappy. I recently reached out to people to take part in a study on CFS / ME and was amazed at how many people contacted me to take part. Some people have been living with symptoms for over 20 years and are on so much medication and they just accept it.

I have established a great work routine and I can work whenever I want to and more importantly am available for when people want to make an appointment with me. I already have clients all over the world because technology has come a very long way since I graduated in 2005 and I am able to see people via Skype which is working very well.

If you find yourself in a job or a situation you are not happy with, you might not be able to change things over night but I believe if you start to think about what you really want and keep focusing on your dream, your sub conscious will work in the background and with determination I believe a lot can be achieved. It might take a few years like my decision did but never give up. Believe in yourself and have the courage to make that leap when you’re ready.

If you would like to find out more I have a FB page (Tracey Campbell Homeopath) and it would be great if you liked it and joined the community. I regularly share health information on this page and my website is http://traceycampbellhomeopath.com

Stay True to yourself and never give up on your dreams – keep believing.

I would love to hear from anyone who has made a big decision in their life or are thinking about making one. We’re all in this together.

Wishing you a wonderful week with love, happiness and angels – I know mine have been helping me along the way.

It’s never too late to make that change



it's never to late

The other morning I heard someone on the radio saying they were going to university for the first time, nothing unusual at that, but the lady was 49 years old and she said she wanted a change of career and to do that she had to go to university.   Wow, just imagine, doing something you’ve never done before and being almost 30 years older than the other students. I have complete and utter respect for people like this.

It just goes to show that it’s never too late to do anything that we want or at least try. I have always been a believer that if we want something badly enough we can obtain it. Obviously wanting isn’t enough, we have to put in effort and hard work but if we are doing something we enjoy it shouldn’t feel like hard work. After all, the saying goes if you find something to do that you really love then you will never work a day in your life.

Regular readers will know that over the last year I decided I needed a change, I wasn’t enjoying my job and because I commuted I was increasingly aware that I didn’t have much time for anything else. Boredom led to lethargy and I didn’t want to be that person just hanging on in there too scared to make that change, I wanted more and I needed a challenge.

I was lucky I had a friend who was a management consultant and helps university graduates identify what they want and find and develop their core values. I had already done a lot of work in this area but it was good to get a second opinion and discuss these with him.

A few things became very clear, and two main points identified were I needed flexibility and I wanted to help people. This is probably why 15 years ago I decided to study homeopathy for four years and have since treated friends, friends of friends and family. The one thing holding me back from doing it full time was I needed to earn a salary and it would take a long time to establish a practice so I never expanded it as a business and it always took a back seat.

That was until I decided to really go for it and I handed in my notice leaving my job in June.   I’ve had a wonderful summer, working for the charity www.raft.ac.uk from home which offers me flexibility and because I no longer commute on a daily basis it also gives me time to grow and develop my homeopathic practice http://traceycampbellhomeopath.com. I now have a flexible job and am pursuing my dream and chosen career.

Finally and most importantly I am helping people either through my work with the charity or helping people reach their optimum health. I am once again doing something I enjoy and have job satisfaction.   I should also mention I have more time to ride my horses and catch up with friends more regularly. All this would not have been possible if I hadn’t decided to make that change. Don’t get me wrong there are times when I wonder if I have done the right thing, but my life has improved on so many levels that the doubts don’t linger for long.

If you would like to make a change or are afraid to take that leap of faith, I would recommend doing a Google search for core value exercises and choose one that resonates with you. This will help you identify what is really important to you and you might be surprised to discover that if you answer the questions truthfully your core values may be quite different to what you expected them to be. This is when the fun can start.

Remember it really is never too late and that could be anything from learning to fly, swim, dance or even going back to university like the lady on the radio. Just go for it, after all what’s the worse that can happen?

I would love to hear from you and to hear your stories of when you made a change or tried something new and what happened. It’s good to share and your stories may help motivate others.

Wishing all my readers a lovely week full of love, happiness and hopefully new discoveries.




Life After Breast Cancer


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As part of my new role with RAFT, I felt very privileged to be invited to a lunch at the House of Lords in aid of their Life After Breast Cancer Fund. The target for the fund is to raise £2 million in 2 years.

I have never been to the House of Lords so was extremely excited and I felt honored that I had been included, especially as I haven’t yet officially started with RAFT. However, for me, the people that I met soon overshadowed the novelty of visiting the House of Lords.

I had the opportunity to talk to people who were keen supporters and donors of Raft, each for their own personal reasons.  The enthusiasm, positivity and energy in the room with everyone keen to make a difference was amazing.

Some of the people I spoke to had in fact survived cancer and spoke freely about it. I thought to myself that many years ago this would have been a totally taboo subject, especially in a room with both men and women present.   I feel that by sharing it is helping raise awareness and to build up a network and community of people who have experienced breast cancer or in fact any other cancers.

It has long been thought that a positive mental attitude can help with recovery but I know from friends who have been diagnosed with breast cancer that it can sometimes be very difficult to maintain a positive attitude especially during times of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and of course the tiredness and hair loss that can follow.

I have been amazed at some of my friends who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and have been successfully treated and then get on with their lives. One thing for certain; they all live life more fully than they did before, grasping every opportunity that comes their way.

However, if a mastectomy is required, whilst it can represent the chance of life and a way to beat or prevent breast cancer it doesn’t always signify the end of surgery. Breast reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy is a major step in regaining quality of life and confidence. However, current surgical methods can involve multiple operations and they do not always achieve the desired result.

Rather interestingly, the surgical outcome is one reason why fewer than 50% of women who undergo a mastectomy choose not to have reconstructive surgery. It is hoped that RAFT’s Life After Breast Cancer Fund will change the future of breast reconstruction and they are funding two research projects which will mean that women will spend less time in hospital, experience less pain and discomfort, fewer operations, less scarring and numbness, vastly reduced risk of tissue rejection and they will experience reduced psychological impact. This in turn will mean that women will be able to focus on rebuilding their lives.

If any of my readers who have been affected by breast cancer would like to share their experience it would be lovely to hear from you.

Equally, if anyone is interested about the research that RAFT is doing and would like to find out more or even raise money for the research please visit www.lifeafterbreastcancerfund.org.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week full of positivity, happiness and love.


Feeling Energised and Motivated


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So this is my final week at my current job, the job that I have done for the last 10 years and I’ve been asked how I feel and whether I will feel sad about leaving. The answer is rather sadly that no I won’t. The feelings that I am experiencing are much more positive and I am  feeling energized, excited and motivated about the future.  There are new roads to be made and new adventures to be had.

It has taken me almost a year to come to this decision and it isn’t one that I reached lightly. However I knew that I wasn’t happy and my job was draining me of any zest for life.  I had a new boss and I guess we didn’t get on.   This then in turn had an impact on other areas in my life and I had no real enthusiasm for all the things I enjoy such as writing, catching up with friends, homeopathy and doing things that are important to me.  Luckily my horses kept me sane and gave me a purpose.

I tried to make things work for a while, but I was met with negativity so I soon realized that action was needed.  I did some core value exercises on myself and the main things that came out in almost all areas of my life were, friendship, happiness, flexibility and achievement. It was glaringly obvious to me that in my work life I was not achieving 3 out of 4 and this was also spilling out into my personal life. I had lost my equilibrium, which for a Libran is the Holy Grail. We don’t operate very well when our scales are unbalanced.

So what to do? I toyed with many ideas, the most drastic one was moving down to the New Forest and starting again. I just felt I had to get off the treadmill that I had found myself on. I was amazed to discover that the reason I was going to make such a drastic change was to escape the job I was so unhappy with even though in a new place I would still have to find a new one and make new friends and not only find a new home for myself but for my horses.

I hadn’t anticipated how powerful my brainstorming session would be and it was the beginning of positive change, I was of course doing Reiki on myself which is a great catalyst for getting things moving and becoming unstuck in situations.

I realized I like helping people and I was also a qualified homeopath and have been practicing on friends, family and my animals for the last 10 years. I decided to take control of my life and handed in my notice. At the same time, I also reconnected with an old acquaintance who is a CEO of a charity (http://www.raft.ac.uk) and she said she might have something for me. I went to meet with her and one of the directors and I am now really excited to report I will be joining them in July. I will write more once I have officially started with them as I am still employed by my current employer. However, I am so happy that I will be working for such a good cause that makes a huge difference to people’s lives.

So the burning question is why I stayed in a situation for so long when it made me so unhappy and believe me I tried every tactic to turn the situation around, but as they say it takes two to tango and there comes a time to know when to let go. I guess if I’m really honest with myself , the main reason I stayed was for money, the pension, the health and travel insurance and all the benefits that go with working for a corporate company.

The trouble is money doesn’t make us happy and the thought of doing something for the next 10 years just to get a pension that, according to forecasts wouldn’t be very much, filled me with dread. Also my Dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor when he retired so I, more than anyone, was and am aware of how important and precious life is and how we should really live and enjoy the present moment. I would rather choose happiness over money any day.

I will however miss my train journey that I take each morning with a guy that works at a large investment bank. He is happily married with 7 beautiful children. He is not the typical stereotype investment banker and is one of the nicest and kindest people I have ever met. He said that on a conference call recently his colleagues were all discussing what they did over the weekend and the majority said they bought this, or that or just worked, rather sadly not one of them mentioned their loved ones. When it was his turn to speak, he said “I spent time with my beautiful children and wife and that’s all I need”.   No more words needed. We have had many philosophical conversations in the mornings putting the world to rights but I have made a good friend and we will keep in touch.

So at last things are once again moving for me, I am no longer stagnating in a job where I wasn’t valued and will hopefully make a difference in my new role.  My advice to anyone experiencing something similar would be first to let go and then reach for the stars. Trust and be confident that things will work out, they usually do and if they don’t at least you tried and won’t say the most regretted words of “What if”.   I also know many people who have made similar life style changes and whenever I have asked them how they are and how they adapted to the change, they always say that it was the best thing that they ever did and they wished they’d made the change earlier.

I would love to hear from anyone who has had to make a big change in their life or are contemplating a lifestyle change.





Shine Bright like a Diamond


The last few months I have been quiet on the blog scene and the reason was I have been trying to find a solution to a not so happy situation that was progressively becoming worse. Worse still, I was beginning to lose my sparkle and excitement for life and I didn’t feel like writing, something I enjoy immensely.

I was in a situation that I was not happy with and I knew I needed to do something but to a certain degree I was frozen with fear, fear of the unknown. Whilst I didn’t let it worry me and as I continued to plod on I realized that I was not living the life I was meant to.   I was not taking action for myself and the saying is so true that if you don’t change the things you do how can you expect things to change.

So I had two very simple choices, stay doing something I didn’t enjoy or take charge and make a change. I sat on the fence for some time while I made my mind up. If any of my readers are Librans then you will understand the pains we go through whilst weighing up the pros and cons of any situation before deciding what’s best.

The thing is there is no right or wrong in a situation like this but the way we feel is always a good barometer to use in circumstances when we want a little bit of help in making our decisions.

Last year I went to Canada and had an amazing week with beautiful scenery and being out in nature I was in my absolute element. I’m always happy when I’m doing the things I enjoy. One day we had all ridden and ascended to the top of a beautiful mountain which was well worth it just to see the breathtaking views over the entire landscape, with snow, turquoise waters and the occasional appearance of a bear in the distance, not only was it special but it was also magical. During lunch, I took myself off from the group and quietly meditated and still to this day I can transport myself back to that moment and can feel such amazing energy from the elements. I have been tapping into this energy for the last few months until finally it has given me the strength to walk away from the situation that has been making me so unhappy. I know this is a bit of a cliché too but I am sure I had a little bit of an awakening out there, or for want of a better expression a “wake up call”.

Over the last few months certain things started to happen to me and because I was in a state of flux I sat up and started to listen to the signs and the way that was being shown to me. I came into contact with people from all walks of life that had turned their back on what they felt they should be doing and they had followed their heart and dreams.   They had shown courage and faith. I then asked myself the question “what’s the worse that can happen?” at least I would get my sparkle, zest and happiness back and for me, as it should be for everyone, happiness, family and friends are the top of my list for a happy, rewarding and healthy life.

So this week I took the bull by the horns and handed in my notice.   Yes, I am leaving a job that pays me a very good salary but was no longer giving me any job satisfaction whatsoever. I wasn’t making a difference and had absolutely no enthusiasm for it.

It is a scary thought, but I am a great advocate of facing our fears. More importantly, I think my life will now be so much richer simply because I will have more time to do the things I enjoy and hopefully will find a new role that I am passionate about. These things money just can’t buy and we sometimes forget when we get caught up in the corporate world and doing what we think is expected of us.

The best part of my decision is how I feel and I am so excited about the future, I have no idea what it holds but already things are looking up and hopefully I will be doing something that will make a difference. I am once again in charge of my destiny.

It really is true that when one door closes another one opens, in fact, I believe many more doors open.   It’s just whether we have the courage to close that door in the first place. I am already so glad I did.

As food for thought, I would like to leave you with a quote from Napoleon Hill that also helped me with my decision process, especially the part of me that thought I would just continue doing what I was doing for a few more years.

“Life is a game, and the player opposite you is TIME. If you hesitate before moving, or neglect to move thoughtfully and decisively, your pieces will be wiped off the board by TIME”.

I would love to hear from you about any difficult decisions you made in your life and how your life changed as a result.

Wishing all my readers a wonderful week full of extra love and happiness. Sparkle like diamonds.


Hello February


So today marks the first day of February with the promise of Spring just around the corner, and for those who are pleased to be saying goodbye to January it’s time to start looking forward and making plans, especially if you found yourself singing the song by Pilot “January sick and tired you’ve been hanging on me”.

So as we look back on January and reflect I feel that we can have high expectations and place unnecessary pressure on ourselves to achieve goals and targets that we set ourselves at the start of the New Year. We see in the New Year with promises and mission statements to ourselves, and possibly others, that “this year will be a good or better year than the last”. Not to mention resolutions that are made, such as losing weight, quit smoking or drinking and research shows that most of them are broken within the first half of the month and only one in ten will be successful.   Many people struggle in January with the long winter days after the anti-climax of the holiday season, not to mention the bills that start to arrive from expenditure over the Christmas period which now seems a far away and distant memory.   Holiday adverts start appearing everywhere trying to lure us to spend more money with the promise of blue skies, white sand and crystal clear waters. It’s hardly surprising that most of us at some point will struggle with the month of January.

But let’s put all that behind us because today is the first day of February the days are already getting longer and lighter with birdsong heard much earlier in the mornings. I always feel inspired in February and it is the first month when I actually feel like I am getting up after the birds start to sing, I lie in bed listening to them, they set me up for the day, they are so happy chirping away and then when I go out to walk my dog the song thrush sings and it is the most beautiful sound.

I really enjoy my early morning dog walk but this year as well as listening to the dawn chorus there has also been something very special to see and that is the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have all been visible in the pre-dawn sky, and on clear mornings I have looked up at the sky in awe. It has been a beautiful and magical sight as I am reminded of the beautiful and amazing world that we live in.   If you’ve not yet experienced this beautiful morning sight, the five planets will be visible in the pre-dawn sky until 20 February so there’s still plenty of time to do so. This sight hasn’t been seen since January 2005 and I am pretty excited by my morning viewings.  I should add that I am not sure of the time of day that this happens for my worldwide readers.

They say that planetary activity can have an impact on our moods and as a result we can sometimes feel a little bit unsettled. They can also signify and lead to a time of change so add that to the month of January it’s hardly surprising that some of us have been feeling a little bit of out of sorts.

Planetary activity can also lead us to look at things and make changes to our lives.   Sometimes we are resistant to change and even experience fear from the unknown but I think wherever possible we should try to remain open minded, embrace change where it is needed and to try to go with the flow. After all they say change is as good as a rest.

Whatever February and this extra planetary activity has in store for us I am sure it will be exciting and it could after all be time to look at our lives and make any changes that we might be just a little afraid to make. What’s the worst that can happen?

I hope you have a great February and I would be interested to know what you did to help you get through that long month of January and what you like or loathe about February,  perhaps you are even planning a change in your life at the moment?





A big thank you to my readers – 2015 in review

A few days ago I received my “Annual Report” for Lovehappinessandangels and I was truly honoured to see that since writing it, it has been read in 97 countries.   I would like to thank all my readers, especially those who post feedback, comment and share.

Wishing everyone a healthy and successful 2016 full of love and happiness.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,600 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 43 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Let’s spread some peace, love & happiness



This week it had been my intention to write about Friday 13th and the superstitions associated with it, however after the events that occurred around the world last week I don’t think it would be appropriate to do so and my heartfelt thoughts and sympathies go out to all those who were affected by the atrocities last week not just in Paris but all around the world.

These acts of terrorism affect us all one way or another but I still believe there is far more goodness and kindness in the world than hatred and we must try to focus on that during these turbulent times.

Anyone watching the footage of Paris during the last few days will see just that with all the people who came out to show their respect and light candles. One such man was Davide Martello who drove 400 miles with his piano to play outside the Bataclan theatre to pay tribute to the victims. He chose to play John Lennon’s Imagine. He said he had wanted to try and comfort and offer a sign of hope. People queued the next day to give blood. These acts of kindness just prove and demonstrate that there really is compassion and kindness that still exists in the world.

Equally, whilst the events were unfolding on Friday night, the BBC were holding their annual charity event, Children In Need, which raises money for disadvantaged children. It raised over £37million and that amount is still rising compared to £32.5m last year. There are many charities and generous and kind people all around the world doing good and making a difference, unfortunately we don’t hear so much about the feel good stories but we should take comfort and remind ourselves that they do exist.

We should never forget all the things that are important to us; family, friends and love.   We should also be grateful and appreciate everything we have. There might be times in our every day lives when we feel our tempers rising when things aren’t quite going our way but we should take a step back and ask ourselves if it really is worth getting upset about in the grand scheme of things.

Let’s be grateful for our precious lives that can be taken from us in an instant. We shouldn’t stop living our lives and we should remember there is more goodness than there is bad. Let’s try and spread peace, love and happiness wherever we can.